As economic as a plastic bodied switch – and as sturdy as a metal bodied one Jan 13, 2016 Bernstein is excited to introduce its new IN62 and IN65 series of standard switches - offering a dur [More]
Safe position monitoring and end position shutdown in the smallest space Jan 13, 2016 Double Insulated Position Switch I49 Where space is restricted and high ingress protection is requir [More]
Bernstein to showcase brand new switches at Southern Manufacturing Dec 09, 2015 Switches, sensors and enclosures specialist, Bernstein Ltd, will be showcasing three brand new produ [More]
Sales team expands to meet increasing demand Jul 14, 2015 We are delighted to announce that we have made some strategic changes to our sales team in order to [More]
SafeGate centre of attention at Railtex 2015 May 22, 2015 We are pleased to report that last week’s Railtex show at the NEC was a resounding success. Visito [More]
Safety potential of Bernstein Switches and Sensors highlighted at Railtex Apr 24, 2015 Most interfaces where man meets machine, or in this case where passenger meets train, have the poten [More]
Customised Trainborne Enclosures on show at Railtex Apr 24, 2015 As well as trackside enclosures, Bernstein will also be showing how products modified with its ‘Cust [More]
Railtex is ideal platform to showcase Trackside Enclosures from Bernstein Apr 24, 2015 Bernstein Ltd will be showcasing a range of its customisable enclosures which are ideal for a wide v [More]
Bernstein Rail unveiled at Railtex Apr 13, 2015 Switches, sensors and enclosures specialist, Bernstein Ltd, will be unveiling ‘Bernstein Rail’ on S [More]
Introducing AluComp extruded aluminium enclosures Apr 13, 2015 Switches, sensors and enclosures specialist, Bernstein Ltd, has added a brand new line of box sectio [More]